Read the Journal

Every now and then I think to myself, “this is worth sharing” so here we are, finally in a space that is simple and considerate, discerning and demure.

Welcome to my journal, I hope it makes you feel better and may each entry help you along the way.

I will share a lot of what inspires me from vintage, curating collections, photography and more. xx

The Language of Light: Discovering your Photographic Style
Jocelyn Kempe Jocelyn Kempe

The Language of Light: Discovering your Photographic Style

There is a kind of seeing that goes beyond the eyes—one that listens, lingers, and gathers meaning in the smallest details. Photography, at its core, is not about capturing perfection, but about honoring the way we witness the world.

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My November Heart
Jocelyn Kempe Jocelyn Kempe

My November Heart

The fabric of my life has been woven with the thread of helpfulness. I want to take what I know and help other people understand and learn how to do it. I want to add value, and a boat load of it.

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The Art of {Sincere} Table Styling
Jocelyn Kempe Jocelyn Kempe

The Art of {Sincere} Table Styling

It feels like our culture has gotten away from intentionally creating special moments, the kind people remember with a simple yet overwhelmingly beautiful tabletop is something they will remember. Someone made something special for them. This they will remember in their heart. In return, our cups are filled and we can see that we too have an astonishing amount of value to add to the world that perhaps we didn’t truly realize.

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The Creative Harvest
Jocelyn Kempe Jocelyn Kempe

The Creative Harvest

Life is one giant harvest. Every moment we plant seeds with thoughts, dreams, aspirations, they grows, we nurture them and then we harvest them. It is truly a magical way of looking at life whilst at the same time it can leave us in layers of discomfort.

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Living with Vintage
Jocelyn Kempe Jocelyn Kempe

Living with Vintage

Authenticity and integrity are sincere and important to me. They are probably my top two principles in my own life so I suppose it is no surprise that I lean towards vintage items and heirlooms.

I suppose the best part of living with vintage (for me) is knowing what I am caring for has been cared for by another, which is not only humbling, but it makes the item more of an honor to have in my home.

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Well, Here We Are.
Jocelyn Kempe Jocelyn Kempe

Well, Here We Are.

In the beginning there was a desire to make sourdough bread. It wa so intense it kept me awake at night. I knew this would become my teacher and it certainly did teach me more than I ever thought possible.

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