Organically Curated - My New Direction for The Heirloom Collective

With any creative life there is an ebb and flow.

A change of wind direction and an old sail has been replaced with a new canvas.

This is the way life evolves when one is connected with themselves and staying in the conversation with life.

If you pay close attention, you will hear me say this a lot.

One of my most profound lessons in life has been the ability to stay in the conversation when times get hard.

In other words, don’t leave the room before the party starts even if you don’t know anyone.

A new direction is taking place in my work and I am slowly shifting to a more botanical and organic vibe, and as always still French.

I want to source treasures that reflect the stages of growth, life, stillness and the textures that inspire our life here on earth.

You will be seeing basketry of course, as well as French vintage botanical paper, floral inspired artwork, portraits, beautiful glassware, plates, and so much more. I am amazed by the beauty of the butterfly so you will be seeing many offerings surrounding them as well.

My desire is to offer you items that have not been tossed away, they are treasures from a bye gone era. They are truly heirloom pieces for you to use in your daily life whether it be for breakfast or as a source of inspiration.

My courses will be deepening and I will be offering photography intensives locally.

Stay tuned for new course offerings this Spring.

I hope you enjoy the little film I made and it soothes your soul.

Isn’t that the purpose of art?

Have a beautiful day with strings of inspiring moments,



The Language of Light: Discovering your Photographic Style


My November Heart