French Ravier (17th century)
These could be my favorite things from France. Sourced myself in Bordeaux, France I found these at a small brocante outside the village of St. Emillion. Raviers have so many uses from bone dishes to jewelry trays to soap dishes.
They are all very old and stunning.
This particular ravier is from the 17th century - it was hung on the wall at one point - see notches on back.
These could be my favorite things from France. Sourced myself in Bordeaux, France I found these at a small brocante outside the village of St. Emillion. Raviers have so many uses from bone dishes to jewelry trays to soap dishes.
They are all very old and stunning.
This particular ravier is from the 17th century - it was hung on the wall at one point - see notches on back.
These could be my favorite things from France. Sourced myself in Bordeaux, France I found these at a small brocante outside the village of St. Emillion. Raviers have so many uses from bone dishes to jewelry trays to soap dishes.
They are all very old and stunning.
This particular ravier is from the 17th century - it was hung on the wall at one point - see notches on back.